Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Turning 30

Josh is 30 years old today.  He isn't much for birthdays and THIS one in particular is just plain annoying for him.  Bah-humbug.  He has always been an "old soul" and this is just further confirming that he's and "old man."

What turns his frown upside down?  My coconut shrimp, steak and yearly themed cake.  One year I made a Pink Floyd The Wall cake... another year I made a Cubs baseball diamond cake... one year I wasn't feeling creative and made a "traditionally" decorated cake, complete with a mispelling.  LOL.  This year, I'm trying something different but, of course, I can't share yet because he hasn't seen it.

I texted him at work to tell him Happy Birthday, to try and have a good day at work, and to get ready for shrimp, steak and cake.

He responds, "Yay for cake!  Yay for dinner!  I'm fucking 30."

Edited to add:

Dinner was fabulous and the cake brought a HUGE smile.  I did a "replica" of one of Josh's guitars that he calls the "Old Man."  Appropriate, right? :)  Here is a pic:

Josh said on his Facebook later: "My wife's awesome is more awesome than your awesome."  I guess I did well! :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Swastikas in School

While out at recess today, I noticed that one of the kids (we'll call him "S") was wearing a wool hat with a tiny swastika on it.  I, even as a white woman, was offended.  The principal wasn't in today, so I talked to S's teacher to see how they wanted to handle it.

I text messaged Josh because I was actually quite baffled!  How could somebody NOT see that as offensive or potentially INappropriate for the school setting?!  Here is a collection of his thoughts...

"Aw fuck.  Really?  Is it an actual swastika?  That kid's parents need their asses beat."

"Our kids are gonna wind up home schooled for handing out ass kickings to kids like that."

"Just take the fucking hat!  It's a SWASTIKA for fucks sake!  How much more universally offensive can you get?!"

"So have any of the little gang-banger kids tried to fuck him up yet?  I'd just encourage them to.  In fact, I'd tell the white kids and the black kids to show some unity and beat his ass."

"I'M offended.  That's how you know someone has crossed the line."