Friday, March 30, 2012

Fairy Tales

While up in St. Paul, MN visiting the sibs and doing some painting, I finally went to see The Hunger Games.  In the previews, I saw one for Snow White and the Hunstman.  I thought it looked amazing and texted Josh about it, at some point using the descriptor "badass."

Josh responded, "Um, badass Snow White?  How does THAT work?!  How could you possibly make the 7 Dwarfs badass?  Hi-ho, hi-ho ... with a VENGEANCE!"

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Big Enough for Liz to Know About It

Josh says, "So you know how the Tebow thing got big enough last year that even YOU knew about the Tebow thing?"


He had to stop finishing his thought because I was laughing so hard.  Anytime something in sports happens that I know about, is a big deal.

Monday, March 19, 2012


Josh took the day off work so we set off to run some errands together.  I looked over at him and noticed that he was bleeding a bit on the bridge of his nose.

I said, "Babe, your nose is bleeding a bit."

He says, "Oh... it's just a little stigmata."

"Are you sure you just didn't get in a fight this morning?" I asked.

"Oh yeah... with the Philistines."

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Light Switches

Josh was milling around the house before bed last night.  He comes into the bedroom where I'm reading and says,

"I've recently developed a habit of trying to flick on light switches that were NEVER there."

We've lived in our apartment for 4 years now! :)  I can't say I haven't done this before, though.