Friday, August 5, 2011

Yard Work

Josh LOVES yard work.  I've done very little of it since we've lived together in a place that requires our labor.  I don't mind it either way, but he's a fan so I've left it to him.

Since we've had such awful weather lately (complete with at least two, multiple day-long heat advisories), and since Josh doesn't work in air conditioning, the yard work has fallen painfully behind.  Seriously, our back yard was near the point that I could lose Roxy back there!

Because it was so overgrown that our mower couldn't possibly take it, I commandeered Dan's weed whacker to at least cut it down to size.  I started and immediately broke a solid sweat.  I HATE humidity, but this felt pretty good.  There's just something about wielding this destructive instrument and wreaking havoc on something. :)

Josh happened to text me during my water break.  I told him I had started weed whacking and was literally dripping sweat into my eyes.  He LOL'd me and says, "Sucks doesn't it?!"  He was all ready to comment on his mad, manly skills in the grass until I said, "No actually, this is kinda fun"

You get to the point, after knowing Josh for a while, that you know some witty, smart ass comment is going to come out of his mouth the moment you say something (or even BEFORE you say it).  Unfortunately, for him, this time I didn't give him the chance.  He was caught off guard and quickly changed the subject.

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