Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hippie Chicken, Part 2

Josh and I were discussing his amazing ability to steer clear of all sickness.  Seriously, he hasn't been ill in the nearly 6 years we've been together.  This makes no sense, since he's a Type 1 Diabetic, he shouldn't be so immune! I was trying to defend myself saying that, actually, I had only been REALLY sick the three times I had bronchitis and pneumonia.  He noted that it must be all the antibiotics and junk they put in his meat!

I told him, "When you DO get sick, it's going to be epic and I'll never let you live it down.  You'll be in the hospital and I'll be throwing it right in your face!"

He responds, "Ya... I'll be laying there on my death bed and I'll say, 'ONCE!  I got sick ONCE!'"

I swear, even when he's dying we'll be jabbing at each other. :P  All in good fun.

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