Sunday, April 8, 2012

Throwing Elbows

Josh and I were laying in bed, not talking.

I noticed that he had the shotgun loaded next to his side of the bed.  I looked over and noticed that my .22 was not loaded and next to MY side of the bed.  I asked him, "Why don't I have my .22 ready to go?"  He said, "I don't know."

This started yet another zombie conversation.  He said that it was more important that he had a gun on his side... because I sleep next to the window.  I couldn't understand this because, with his reasoning, zombies are more likely to come in through a window rather than the locked door way.

I said, "Well you're next to the DOORway!"

He says, "It's okay, though, because I can throw deadly elbows to fight them off."

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