Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Melting Pot.

Josh and I got into a heated conversation tonight that ended up in 800 different directions.

Our neighborhood came up.  If you've spent any time at our place, or heard my random complaints about the kids, parents, crime, etc... you might have a sense for where this is going.

Josh said, "We live in neighborhood with a diversity of MASSIVE FAILURES."  We proceeded, then, to talk about all the interesting "characters" that live around us.

1.  The dude that seems really nice until you start to notice that he's got a glass in his hand 100% of the time and reeks of booze.  Oh... and speaks frequently of the orgies he has.  No joke.  He's got three kids living with him and his wife in a two bedroom.

2.  The lady behind us.  She's pretty cool and seems sane enough.  But, she walks around in her underpants in her back yard.  Not hot.

3.  The multitude of children that play in the streets (or, more accurately, DART into the road way JUST as you're approaching in your car).  Where are their parents?  Like... three blocks away.  When I was kid, we played ball in the street... but when a car was at least 4 blocks away we yelled "CAR!!" and scattered.  No concept of danger.

4.  The lesbian couple with 2 (or 8?) kids.  Totally cool with these folks, until one half of the relationship can't control her anger and starts blaring Eminem while punching her garage with a 40 in one hand an a cigarette in her mouth.  Classy.  Then, she hops in her truck and peels out of the parking lot amongst all the kids running around.

5.  The couple who frequently fights in the parking lot.  They were a constant source of comedy for me until they moved away.  I have literally sat on my back porch, listening to the police radio, counting the minutes until they got called.  I laughed SO hard when she called him for being a "crackhead" at the top of her lungs.  Awesome.

6.  The crazy old man.  He actually owns a business down the street from us.  Pretty sure he lives in the same building, though.  You can't go anywhere near his property, ESPECIALLY if you're walking dogs... even if you're in the street.  He once chased a guy off his property (debatable since he's butted up against what is TECHNICALLY Union Pacific property).  He shot at him while he fled... and yes, it's a residential street.

7.  The creeper.  This guy is probably in his 60s and spends 2-3 hours a day parked along the road at the park down the street in the warmer months.  He sits in his truck and just watches people/kids in the park.  I've called the cops on him several times (this just seems fishy) but every time, his tailgate is down and I can't get a plate number.  To my knowledge, they have nothing on him since he keeps coming back.

8.  The pretentious college student who lives in the condo Mommy and Daddy bought for him.  Many times I've been smoking on my porch and he yells, "QUIT FUCKING SMOKING!" and slams his window shut.

9.  The couple who bailed out of their lease.  My landlord filled me in on this one.  Apparently I'm a heavier sleeper than I thought.  She kicked her boyfriend out and had a male friend sleep on the couch to protect her.  Boyfriend broke in and kicked the male's friend ass.  Nothing could be done since he was on the lease and she hadn't filed a protection order.

I could go on... but I'm starting to feel bad passing all this judgement.  Of course, not all these things makes each individual a "failure."  However, we aren't really comfortable staying in this neighborhood much longer.

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