Sunday, May 29, 2011


As some of you may know, my Mom has accepted a position at Minnesota State University in Mankato, MN.  This weekend, I went with her to look at houses.  Josh stayed at home, but he had a BLAST taking shots at Minnesota and those who inhabit it.

Mom and I asked him to check the weather right as we were leaving because the sky wasn't looking good. He says, "I can do that, but I'm not sure Minnesota is smart enough to pop up on radar.  I'll do what I can."

I text messaged on the trip home to let him know that we were about to cross the MN/IA border.  He responded, "Most Iowans would call that 'The Enlightenment.'"


Monday, May 23, 2011

I'm Serious!

My goal for the summer is to purge more "stuff" and get our house manageable.  Seriously, we're approaching hoarder status.  I was relying on the fact that we might move at the end of this lease (offering an even better incentive to dump stuff) but now that this is looking bleak, I'm diving in.

Josh was getting ready for work the next day (programing the coffee, making his lunch, attempting to track down his ipod to sync it) when he comes into the living room looking like he's been pondering something epic. He says,

"So, when we get the house all cleaned up, I think we should designate a shelf in the basement to survival equipment for the zombie apocalypse.  We need to get two handguns and add another shot gun.  Maybe a whole pallet of ammunition.  We should get a few back up propane tanks for the camping grill.  We should get some water containers and bottled water...."

Seeing my blank look he says, "I'm SERIOUS!"

While I'm not sure that the dead will walk the earth some day, I can't say it would hurt to have some survival equipment stored.  I mean, it WAS just a year ago that we lost water in town.  Not crazy, right?  I mean... not as crazy as the nut jobs that predicted our demise two days ago.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

DVR and Baseball

I'm in the basement working on my tedious online music class.  Josh is upstairs watching a baseball game he recorded.

Suddenly he yells,

"Babe!  You gotta come look at this!"

Since we were all told the world was ending today, I thought to myself... if I walk upstairs and see a damn earthquake on TV happening somewhere on the other side of the planet, I'll be KICKING myself for how I spent the day.

I said, "Why?  I'm doing school stuff."

He responds, "Come see some guy get hit in the face!"

We watched it and rewinded it 5 times.

I love DVR.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Babies, babies, everywhere!

My bestie, Sarah, just had her second son last Thursday.  I was in the room while she gave birth.  It was amazing.  This, of course, got the baby fever started with Josh.  He said today,

"There's a lot I can't do due to lack of funds or talent... but I know I can be a dad."

He wants to be a daddy SO bad!

Friday, May 13, 2011


I get a text message from Josh while sitting the hospital with Sarah while she was in labor.

The picture he sent along with the text wasn't nearly as clear as this one... but he said,

"That black smudge, next to the quarter, that's some kind of "ultra-bee" that was created in a bio-warfare lab.  It came at me like a werewolf, baring fangs and slobbering for blood... and I ran away like a girl.  Then I came back later and smashed it with a huge piece of cardboard.  I have thumbs, I win again...

...I heard him buzzing around and didn't think much of it.  Then I turned around to see what it was.  I shit you not, it swooped around the light by the washer twice and then flew AT me.  I was shocked.  I've had crows pull this shit before.  Sometimes a rabbit will refuse to run away.  But a bug?!  A fucking BUG challenged me?  That is the first time EVER that I've run away from a bug."

UPDATE: Josh and I discovered this morning (two days after the incident) that the bug was now gone.  I hypothesize that Otis ate it... he's a fan of eating bugs.  Josh was a little nervous that now we had a zombie ultra-bee roaming the house.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Our Weakness

Josh says...

"We're awesome together.  Well... except for the fact that neither of us are committed to cleaning the damn house.  Oh, and the treasury department.  That's okay, though.  When we get rich, we'll hire a housekeeper and a Jewish accountant... I bet we could find a ROSENTHAL!!"

For those of you who don't know, "Rosenthal" is my Mom's maiden name.

Monday, May 9, 2011


After a visit to the Hennepin area of Minneapolis, I told Josh I wish I could "live there without living there."  Of course, this didn't make sense so I specified by saying, "I want everything but the 'go-fast' all the time and the extra few feet of snow every winter."

He reminds me...

"Big cities are a bad place to be during the zombie apocalypse.  Just sayin'...."



Josh and I were discussing how lucky both of us are to inherit our in-laws.  I was noting the characteristics I love about his, and he did the same.  Josh made a very accurate observation about hanging with my family (specifically, my Mom's side), especially when we have something "serious" to attend...

"The before is awesome, the after is awesome... and then during it's kind of awkward.  But after we get to talk about how strange and silly the whole thing was."


The Rosenthals are loud and goofy.  We have a hard time being "proper" and "serious" about stuff.  We have to let our hair down after putting up a front for a while. :)