Monday, March 28, 2011


Josh and I have a few shows that we've watched together religiously.  One of them is Intervention.  A&E came out with another show called HEAVY that started coming on right afterwards.  We got hooked into watching that, too.  Josh noted a similarity in both shows tonight.

They always say, "You're going to die if you keep [ fill in the blank ]."

"They need to correct this.  Everyone is going to die.  We all die.  It SHOULD be, 'You're going to die SOONER or MORE HORRIBLY if you keep [ fill in the blank ].'"

Skin Tags

Josh has a skin tag on his left shoulder.  I started playing with it tonight and he said, "WHAT are you DOING?!"

Me: "Playing with your skin tag."

Josh: "WHY?!  They're the most disgusting thing ever... they're worse than hair covered moles and goiters."

Me: "Why don't you go get it removed then?  Tell the doc you can't wear a necklace because it irritates it and they'll remove it."

Josh: "Nuh-uh.  That's still cosmetic.  I wish I could just use a fingernail clippers and snip it off."

Me:  "That's what Lydia did.  Apparently it's pretty common for women to get them when they're pregnant."

Josh: "You better not get one!!"

Me: "Why?!  What are YOU going to do?"

Josh: "Sleep in another room.  They're DISGUSTING!!"

Me: "What they hell?!  YOU have one and I sleep with YOU!!"

Josh: "I don't see how you can... I'm SO gross."

An evening in the lives of Josh and Liz.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


If you don't know what it is, google it.  I had my first experience with it the first year Josh and I were together.  I woke up in an immense amount of pain and ended up in the emergency room.  I was MIA from class and work for at least a week and a half.  Totally helpless.  Apparently, it's pretty serious and warrants some heavy pain killers and muscle relaxers.  I've had 3 or 4 recurrences, each time with a quicker recovery time.

Last night, I felt it coming on again.  I quickly took some pain killers and laid on a heating pad hoping to lessen the muscle spasms.  It started to get really bad so Josh and I discussed what we were going to do if this turned out to be like the first time.  Josh said,

"If this gets bad I'm staying home from work on Monday."

I thought for a second... "oh how sweet of him!"  Wait...

"Are you going to stay home because you know you'll have to wait on me or because you want a day off?"

"Well... both... but I know you'll be helpless!!"

Thanks Babe.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Birth Control

Josh and I were discussing wall art.  We've decided to take EVERYTHING down off our walls and start fresh.  It's just a mess as it is in our place right now.  Furniture has been arranged too many times.

So, anyway, we started talking about the original artwork by Amy Williams (an friend of mine) we had done for our wedding.  Several were brought home by family and friends who attended, but we still had a few handfuls left over.  Josh says, "Hey!  We could totally use them in our baby room!"

I thought it was a great idea and kind of smirked at him because he's been talking a LOT about having a baby lately.

He says, "What?!"

I said, "Nothing... it's just cute how much you've been talking about how bad you want to be a Dad lately.  Should I be worried that you might start tampering with my birth control?"

He laughs and says, "Hahaha... no... I wouldn't do that.  I WANT to but I wont.  I actually thought about it for a while, then decided that wasn't really fair."

: P

Starting Shit

Josh, "YOU do it!"

Me, "No... YOU do it." 

Josh, "No, I don't want to start shit." 

Me, "Oh, so it's okay for ME to start shit?"

Josh, "You're EXPECTED to start shit." 

Oh, okay.