Sunday, March 27, 2011


If you don't know what it is, google it.  I had my first experience with it the first year Josh and I were together.  I woke up in an immense amount of pain and ended up in the emergency room.  I was MIA from class and work for at least a week and a half.  Totally helpless.  Apparently, it's pretty serious and warrants some heavy pain killers and muscle relaxers.  I've had 3 or 4 recurrences, each time with a quicker recovery time.

Last night, I felt it coming on again.  I quickly took some pain killers and laid on a heating pad hoping to lessen the muscle spasms.  It started to get really bad so Josh and I discussed what we were going to do if this turned out to be like the first time.  Josh said,

"If this gets bad I'm staying home from work on Monday."

I thought for a second... "oh how sweet of him!"  Wait...

"Are you going to stay home because you know you'll have to wait on me or because you want a day off?"

"Well... both... but I know you'll be helpless!!"

Thanks Babe.

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