Thursday, January 26, 2012


I had another mishap involving stairs.  This time, much worse than the basement stairs.  I was taking the pups out before bed, at about 10:00 pm.  It was a combination of Otis being eager to pee, bad shoes and slippery steps.  My legs flew out from under me and the full force of my weight came down on the edge of stair RIGHT on my spine and the right side of the "muffin top" portion of my back.  OUCH.

I wanted to take a hot shower immediately.  I knew this was going to hurt and if I could stave off some of the soreness so I could sleep, I would.  Josh got in with me because I wasn't moving around well.  I realized mid-wash that I couldn't get my legs.  I said, in my most impressive whine, "HOW many times are you going to have to bathe me in our lifetimes?!"  (On at least 2 other occasions, he's had to help me shower due to an injury).

He kind of giggled and at the same time said, "Oh, Babe."

"WHAT?!  Don't LAUGH at me... I'm in a LOT of pain."

He says, "I know, I know... but you're so cute and pathetic."

Thanks, Babe.  To be fair, he was very kind during the worst of the pain.  I did go to the doctor eventually.  Just a deep tissue bruise.  There is some color on the surface which looks like, according to the doctor, "lace."  The swelling and muscle spasms are pushing/pulling my spine out of alignment, though.  Horray for muscle relaxers!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Birthday Cake

I told Josh today that I thought I had a good idea what his cake would be this year.  He started reminiscing about last years cake.  I had made him a guitar cake that was carved.  I couldn't bring myself to just throw away the pieces I carved away so I threw them in a bowl and into the fridge.  I also had a whole bunch of left over icing because I had to mix probably 4 different colors.

He says, "Last year was awesome.  There was just a BOWL of cake!"

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Josh is going to be 31 soon.  As usual, I will be making him coconut shrimp, a steak and a cake.  Every year, I've done some kind of theme with the cake.

He shrugged off my excitement about his birthday saying, "It's just 31.  Nothing special."

He added, "At this point, you don't get anything but decade milestones.  My only hope for 40 is that we have enough money for me to have a midlife crisis and go out and buy some toy with wheels."

Maybe I'll make him a Scrooge cake this year.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I woke up this morning with a blurry, bright spot in my vision.  I wasn't really concerned with it until it started shifting shape and size.  At the time, I felt fine otherwise, but I called First Nurse just to be sure.  They wanted me to go to the ER as soon as I could and didn't want me to drive.  Josh was at work so he had to come home to take me in.

As we all know, you can expect a wait.  I get really anxious at doctors' offices or in the hospital so I was trying to come up with a distraction.  The Kindle was out, as were games on my phone.  There was no way I was reading or staring at a lighted screen with this blob in my vision and the quickly developing splitting headache.  So... I stuffed a deck of cards in my purse before we left.  I figured we could at least play some poker or something.

Josh was a little mortified with the card playing.  I didn't really think about the fact that there was no table to put "the river" on.  Nor did I think about how awkward it would be to deal cards into laps.  He whined a bit and I said, "I know this is strange, Babe, but it's keeping me from having a panic attack."

He says, "I know.  You're lucky I kinda like you."

In the end... I found out I'm having ocular migraines.  Who knew!?

Friday, January 6, 2012


As you probably know, Josh is a Type 1 Diabetic.  This means he has to take multiple shots of insulin per day.  With all the talk of an apocalypse, or simply a collapse of our government, we've discussed a plan several times.  One of the first things we have to do is secure a stash of insulin for Josh.  *Note: Even if we're able to do this, and we assume that no NEW insulin will be produced, he only has about 5 years.  The shelf life maxes out about then... and that's with refrigeration!

We recently found out that I will no longer be getting VA benefits.  This means I can't go to school another semester to carry us financially until I get into my MSW program.  I started my scramble to find work the moment I found out.  One job that sounded interesting was a pharmacy tech.  I've never done it before, but I have TONS of customer service jobs.  Can't be to hard, right?

Josh said, "Ya!  Get that pharmacy job!  That way, when the world falls apart, I don't have to do a smash and grab for insulin.  We could just use your key!"