Friday, January 6, 2012


As you probably know, Josh is a Type 1 Diabetic.  This means he has to take multiple shots of insulin per day.  With all the talk of an apocalypse, or simply a collapse of our government, we've discussed a plan several times.  One of the first things we have to do is secure a stash of insulin for Josh.  *Note: Even if we're able to do this, and we assume that no NEW insulin will be produced, he only has about 5 years.  The shelf life maxes out about then... and that's with refrigeration!

We recently found out that I will no longer be getting VA benefits.  This means I can't go to school another semester to carry us financially until I get into my MSW program.  I started my scramble to find work the moment I found out.  One job that sounded interesting was a pharmacy tech.  I've never done it before, but I have TONS of customer service jobs.  Can't be to hard, right?

Josh said, "Ya!  Get that pharmacy job!  That way, when the world falls apart, I don't have to do a smash and grab for insulin.  We could just use your key!"

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