Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I woke up this morning with a blurry, bright spot in my vision.  I wasn't really concerned with it until it started shifting shape and size.  At the time, I felt fine otherwise, but I called First Nurse just to be sure.  They wanted me to go to the ER as soon as I could and didn't want me to drive.  Josh was at work so he had to come home to take me in.

As we all know, you can expect a wait.  I get really anxious at doctors' offices or in the hospital so I was trying to come up with a distraction.  The Kindle was out, as were games on my phone.  There was no way I was reading or staring at a lighted screen with this blob in my vision and the quickly developing splitting headache.  So... I stuffed a deck of cards in my purse before we left.  I figured we could at least play some poker or something.

Josh was a little mortified with the card playing.  I didn't really think about the fact that there was no table to put "the river" on.  Nor did I think about how awkward it would be to deal cards into laps.  He whined a bit and I said, "I know this is strange, Babe, but it's keeping me from having a panic attack."

He says, "I know.  You're lucky I kinda like you."

In the end... I found out I'm having ocular migraines.  Who knew!?

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