Friday, November 12, 2010

Video Games

Josh is a gamer.  He goes in spurts, but most of the time he's got some game he's really into.  We recently bought Call of Duty: Black Ops.  These are the only games (with the exception of the old school stuff) that I can really get into.  I'm willing to try any first person shooter and I usually get a little OCD about it until I've beat the game.  There are plenty of hilarious quotes I could insert here, but I'll start with the old ones and end with the newest.

"Wrong Button Pushing."  This is when, obviously, the wrong button is pushed, causing you to die, fail, etc.  This excuse should be used sparingly as to not make the other player suspicious of your actual "skills."

"NCAA fits."  This originated with Josh and his buddy Jason.  These are the freak-outs you have when you just CAN'T get pass something.  Usually, they involve a short lived fit of rage in which you stomp (or punch) the floor or a solid piece of furniture.  During a more rare and intense fit, one might throw the controller across the room.  Josh more frequently has these, but I'm guilty as well.  The most infamous incident involved me attempting the new "drum" feature on Rock Band.  I tried and tried and tried, but it ended with me throwing both drum sticks across the room, breaking one on the wall.  Of course, these fits are immediately followed by a feeling of guilt... and feeling of how ridiculous that just was.

The newest took place TWICE today.  I was stuck at a place in Black Ops.  Josh came home from work to hear me rant and rave about how STUPID the game.  We got into this HUGE discussion of how, really, the game was pretty awesome and started comparing thoughts on the story line.  We realized about 20 minutes into our "deep" conversation, that we were discussing a fucking video game.  Really?!  We're that lame??

Later, we're in the shower and I suggest ways I can get around this damn mission I can't pass.  Josh goes off and, in the process, I realize he's talking unnecessarily loud (I mean, how loud to you have to talk to somebody you're showering with??)!  I asked him, "Why are you talking so LOUD?"  He says, "Because I'm PASSIONATE!!"  Again... are we really that lame?!  :)

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