Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dealing With Angry Kids

I pissed off a couple kids last week.  I didn't do anything DIRECTLY to them, but they decided to take their wrath out on me.  I had given another EA the pen he used to write up their FRIENDS.  THEY didn't even get written up.  I teach math to these two kids so their rage made it difficult to learn fractions.  They wouldn't speak to me or look me in the eye.

Josh was checking in on me through text messages to see how the situation was coming along.  I had talked to the Principal of the school for some advice on the matter.  Josh says, "Why don't you promise the school bully an extra chocolate milk for every one of those bitches he beats down.  Problem solved."

I laughed off his dark humor and said I didn't even think we had "that kid" at this school.

He says, "I'm sure you can find one.  It's the kid who's always pissed, probably kinda ugly, wears shitty clothes, and who everyone gives a wide birth.  He might be a wrestler."

LOL.  That was ME.

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