Friday, December 3, 2010

Where did I put that??

This isn't so much something Josh SAYS, but DOES.  He is the king of losing stuff.  Seriously.  I've tried everything to help him keep his shit together.  I made a bowl for him to put his cell phone and keys in so they're always in the same place.  That didn't help.

Honestly, he's gotten much better at the cell phone, wallet and keys thing.  However, recently we've had things literally just *POOF* disappear.  Before, I could join in on the hunt and the item would be found quickly.  Lately, though, it seems he has stepped up his game.

The other day we were making dinner together and I asked him to get another roll of paper towels.  He had just opened a new one, he claimed.  So he went looking for it.  We both looked for about 20 minutes, determined not to crack open another roll.  It made SENSE that it would be in the kitchen.  However, we found it in the back corner of the living room.  It was almost like he threw it over there and had no recollection.

Same day, I asked him to put new light bulbs in the overhead kitchen light.  We were down to one bulb out of three and it was getting hard to see what I was doing.  He gets up on the chair and changes the bulbs.  Then, when it comes time to put the glass back on, he can't find the little cap that screws on to keep it from falling on your head.  It's been several days and the cap is yet to be found.  He was standing in the exact same place on top of a chair the whole time he was doing this... WHERE ON EARTH did it go?!


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